Sunday, March 18, 2007

Where did winter go?

The last few weeks the sun has been out and we've started to see the new season begin. To me, this is usually an exciting time of year as festival tickets go on sale and summer holidays are in the process of being planned! However, it's a little different for me this year as before I can plan any of my summer I need to get my portfolio completed. With the deadline looming and only 2 more weeks left before Easter holidays, the pressure is on! I'm beginning to find with the course it's very easy just to let things sit there not done until the last minute. For me, 'Last minute' is something I have always been familiar with throughout my education, however the portfolio is one piece of work that can't be treated with such a slack attitude! But fortunately I work well under pressure and know it will get done eventually!

When I'm a PR professional, pressure will be something I will have to cope with on a daily basis from both clients and colleagues. Therefore I see all this as good practice!

Once the dreaded exams and portfolio are out of the way, I'll be able to look forward to the long summer ahead of me. I've decided to spend part of my summer doing something for others, rather than the usual fortnightly music festival wasting ridiculous amounts of money! I want to go abroad with a charity and offer my help where it's needed. However, I'm having huge difficulty in deciding where I want to go and for what organisation or charity. Leeds Met organise a children's camp in Romania over the summer, in which I'd be working with orphans and helping them to have fun and forget about their worries by organising activities and various games. This does appeal to me, however there are so many other opportunities elsewhere such as Camp America e.t.c. It's really difficult to decide as it's a large amount of money to do any of them. Guess I've got some research to do!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Crocodile skin trainers...what next?!

I was reading through today's issue of 'The Sun', when I came across an article about Nike's crocodile-skin trainers that are on the market for an outrageous ₤1,400. Nike have unveiled these rather over priced and ridiculous sports shoes to celebrate the 25th anniversary of their 'Air Force 1' line of trainers. Not only are these expensive trainers made from crocodile skin, they also have 18 carat gold lace tags!
Nike's PR department look to have a busy week ahead of them as they try and smooth things over with animal rights groups and the public, who are set against animal cruelty. Not the best of moves for the well known sports brand!
Maybe Nike should have focused on making a large financial gesture towards comic relief to raise their profile to celebrate 25 years, rather than associating themselves with animal cruelty. However, no doubt some celebrity with too much money than sense will be caught on camera purchasing a pair of these hideous shoes!